Requirements V2

8 2 3 1 6DATA IMPACTED 4 7 5


Portal / Back Office



SF / Kimble Object

Fields Names - Portal [Kimble/SF Name]

Type / Validation Rules

PP Contact
Consultant Profile Management

Manage core profile data


View key consultant resource data around their profile and their Personal Services Company (PSC).

If we want to allow people to upload a photo (requirement by PP) we need to hit two different objects - Resource and Contact Record

Read, Update Resource, Contact (for photo - called photo object)

Read Only - First Name [First Name] - Last Name [Last Name] - Professional Services Company [Professional Services Company] - Business Unit [UK] - Location [Location] - Start Date [Start Date] - Standard Day Rate [Standard Cost] - Specialism [Specialism] - Detailed Specialism [Detailed Specialism] - AML Training Completion Date [AML Training] - Conflicts Training Completion Date [Conflicts Training] - Information Security Training Completion Date [Information Security Training] - Data Protection Training Completion Date [Data Protection Training] - Anti Bribary Training Completion Date [Anti Bribary Training] - Qualification Date [Qualification Date] Read, Update - Consultant Bio [NEW: Consultant Edited Bio]

See Salesforce

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Manage core profile data


View key right to work document statuses

JS: I don't think there is a requirement for a user to update their own right to work documents as these need to be approved by recruitment. CC: Right to work duristications to be handled by capabilities

Read, Capability Object, Capability Group Object, Resource Capability Object

Ready Only - Right to Work - Primary duristication - Right to Work - Secondary (other) duristications - Submitted Practice Certificate Expiry Date Only

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Manage core profile data


View & edit consultant contact details

Read, Update Contact

Read Only Read, Update - PSC Name [Account Name] - PSC Address [Mailing Address] - PSC Contact [Phone] - PSC Email [Email] [Formal Email]

See Salesforce

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Manage core profile data

Back Office

Review / approve any portal updates before updating?

JS: Needs to be defined further


Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Manage skills


View & edit self assigned capabilities

Create, Read, Update, Delete Resource capabilities

Read Only - Capability name [resource capability / capbility group]

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Manage skills

Back Office

Edit 'validated' capabilities

JS: This comes out of the box with Kimble and doesn't require any development work.

Resource capabilities

Read Only - Capability name - Capability description

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Maintain availability


Ability to mark consultant as unavailable at a day level. (Note will need a good UI design to make marking long unavailability easier)

Requirement to start using resource scheduling, making availability report redundant? Back office req? JS: Need to validate what insight we are capturing around availbility.

Activity Period Assignments / Resource Scheduler?

Read Only - Day

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Maintain availability

Back Office - Kimble

Ability to: - Categorise different types of availbility - Build reports against this

JS: Need to define what categories of availability we requre vs available, unavailable.

Calendar Object in Kimble

Consultant Profile Management

Maintain training history


Ability to capture training events attended for self certification

Not a business requirement. ‘helpful feature for consultants’. Need to validate value.



Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Maintain Role History


Ability to manage a chronological view of roles with both Peerpoint & other organisations

Read: - Experience Table (within Resource Object) Create, Read, Update, Delete: - Other Experience Table (within Resource Object)

Read, Update - Account - Start / end date - Role title - Description

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Maintain Role History

Back Office

Process Change: Consultant and Recrutimnent teams to start using the "Experience" section of the resource profile to start cataloging experience.

Need to confirm whether process is needed to validate experience entries (feels low risk / post vetting)? JS: This can be done as part of onboarding.

Experience Table within Resource on Kimble.


Consultant Profile Management

Maintain Role History

Back Office

Process Change: Need to create a validation check /workflow when Consultants add experience via the Portal.

N/A - Process Change

N/A - Process Change

Consultant Profile Management

Review and upload CVs – validation/version control tbc


Ability to download latest 'Primary Branded CV as a Word doc

Help text may be needed for MVP - in the event consultant wants to update the CV, must be emailed to address x, for review before uploading

Read Only Resource - Notes & Attachments


Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Review and upload CVs – validation/version control tbc


Ability to upload latest 'Draft CV' as a Word doc, for review & update by Peerpoint team

Read Only Resource - Notes & Attachments


Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Review and upload CVs – validation/version control tbc

Back Office

Recieve notification when new 'Draft CV' uploaded. Ability to download, edit, re-upload & mark as primary. Maintaining all previous versions for version control

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Key document upload – practising certificate, right to work etc


Portal Requirement: The ability for a Consultant to submit documents to Peerpoint via the Portal. E.g. Pracitce Certificate

JS: Suggest we descope as there are very few documents that need to be uploaded regularly (only practice certificate & CV).

Read Only: - Resource Object

Becky Phillips
Consultant Profile Management

Onboarding Document View


Portal Requirement: The ability for a Consultant Lawyer to view key documents about their Peerpoint Panel Membership: Panel Letter, Opt Out Letter, Sider Letter, Peerpoint Contract.

READ Only: Resource Object - Notes & Attachments

- Panel Letter of Acceptance - Side Letter - Opt Out Letter - Peerpoint Contract

Consultant Profile Management

Onboarding Document View

Back Office

Process Change: Change how the Recruitment Team Manage their onboarding of candidates to ensure that signed copies of onboarding paperwork are stored in Kimble.

N/A - Process Change

N/A - Process Change

Opportunity Broadcast

Opportunity Broadcast


Portal Requirement: The ability to view a subset of active roles within that Peerpoint are currently recruiting for.

Read Only: - Opportunity Title [TBC SF] - Start Date [TBC SF] - Day Rate Range [TBC Kimble] - Opportunity Description [TBC SF]

Read Only: - Opportunity Title [TBC SF] - Start Date [TBC SF] - Day Rate Range [TBC Kimble] - Opportunity Description [TBC SF]

Jenny G
Opportunity Broadcast

Opportunity Broadcast

Back Office

Salesforce / Kimble Change: The ability for a Client Team member to control what roles get published on the portal from Kimble / Salesforce.

JS: Need to create some kind of flag object that controls what does / doesn't get published from Kimble to the portal. Change in business process also required

Kimble / Salesforce Change - Implement a Flag / Boolenan in Salesforce to publish opportunites - Will need to consider how we refresh this based on placing roles etc.

Read Only: - Flag Object (Y/N or Boolean )

Jenny G
Opportunity Broadcast

Expression of interest Mechansim


Portal Requirement: The ability for a Consultant Lawyer to view a published opportunity within the portal.

JS: Need to consider how we track how we track the history of being shortlisted.

Read Only: - Proposal Object

Read Only: Within the Proposal Object create: - Opportunity Title - Opportunity Summary - Day Rate range - Start Date When a consultant expresses an interest, they are added to the added to the proposal object as a resource

Opportunity Broadcast

Expression of interest Mechansim

Back Office Process

Process Change: Need to ensure client teams are creating propsals and filling them out correctly for roles published they wish to be publsihed on the portal.



Opportunity Broadcast

Referral / Recomendation Mechanism


Portal Requriement: The ability for a Consultant Lawyer to refer a co worker to the Peerpoint Platform.

JS: For Phase 1 We should link into Kenexa application page that needs to be built seperately.

N/A - Outside of Salesforce / Kimble

N/A - Outside of Salesforce / Kimble

Opportunity Broadcast

Referral / Recomendation Mechanism

Back Office Process

Process Change: Building out of an external application form in Kenexa that is accessible for potential pannel applicants.

JS: Kenexa offers the abiliy to produce landing pages that are accesible externally.

N/A - Outside of Salesforce / Kimble

N/A - Outside of Salesforce / Kimble

Engagement Administration

Consultant access to engagement paperwork, key/final terms


Portal Requirement: The ability for a consultant to view, per engagement: - Their engagement letter (3 page document) - Extention Lettter (1 Page document)

JS: Not currently held in Salesforce - suggest we hold them in the Proposal section within Kimble

Read Only: - Engagement Object [TBC Kimble]

Read Only: - Engagment Letter (As PDF) - Extention Letter (As PDF), optional

Engagement Administration

Consultant access to engagement paperwork, key/final terms


Portal Requirement: The ability for a consultant to download their engagement paperwork

JS: Not currently held in Salesforce - suggest we hold them in the Proposal section within Kimble

Read Only: - Engagement Object [TBC Kimble]

Read Only: - Engagment Letter (As PDF) - Extention Letter (As PDF), optional

Engagement Administration

Consultant access to engagement paperwork, key/final terms

Back Office

Business Process Change: Ops Team to start holding engagement documents on Kimble / Salesforce as opposed to Omnia. Suggested location is within the propsoal within Kimble

N/A - Process Change

N/A - Process Change

Engagement Administration

Submit Invoices



Engagement Administration

Submit Timesheets
